You are about to experience the multimedia musical world of INTERMEDE MIDI. Marvel at the simplicity, originality, and variety of this new and exciting collection dedicated to Mac and Windows presentation softwares. This JUKE-BOX SAMPLER will enable you to have a glimpse at what INTERMEDE MIDI can offer you.
Take this opportunity to hear the quality of the INTERMEDE MIDI MUSIC LIBRARY. Your sampler contains a brief overview of the diverse musical selections from our collection. There are presently 30 volumes, 3000 original cuts available. Take a look at our CATALOG by clicking the appropriate icon.
No matter what the situation is, our collection will help you add more punch to your presentations with our precise imge-oriented selections. Check some of these examples:
Are you demonstrating a new project on the cutting edge of technology ? Use our techno ambiance, (series 5000) and you will hit the nail on the head and drive home your presentation.
Organizing an ecological event ? Our smooth nature oriented music (series 6000) will surely get your message across.
The suspense ambiance (series 7000) will move your presentation to a crashing crecendo. You only need to synchronize your images with the music !
And to facilitate synchronisation (giving it the utmost flexibility) all selections are also recorded in 60, 30, 15 and 5 second versions. These selections have been created and digitally engineered by professionnals.
We are confident that you will love the INTERMEDE MIDI MUSIC LIBRARY. To order your own original volumes from our catalog, or to receive more information concerning our collection you can reach us at: